The morning temperature was in single digits with a slight wind as we headed out. The forecast was for clearing skies but unfortunately for us they didn't clear until late afternoon so we were pretty socked in with occasional flurries for most of the day.
The Shore Owner's Trail heads north parallel to Lake Placid before it heads northwest up along Twin Brook. The snow was nearly two-feet deep as we snowshoed up along the brook. It ascends steadily until you come up to Bartlett Pond.

Once we summited we headed down the south side where we were very grateful we hadn't climbed up the traditional route. It was much easier to slide down the steep pitches rather than have to climb up them. For those who have never climbed McKenzie Mt be prepared to go up and down a number of "false" summits. There was more than one that I slipped on the way up as well as slid down.