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In partnership with The Wild Center, the veteran guides from Broadwing Adventures will lead you on this one day paddling trip of discovery and exploration in a little known corner of the Adirondacks. On your guided exploration you will learn about the history, ecology and conservation of the Cedarlands. This paddle/hike is on lands that are part of the Cedarlands Boy Scout Camp, a property with restricted summer access. Most summer visitors to the Adirondacks do not have the opportunity to travel here. During this full day trip, you will enjoy at least 3 miles of paddling on Mud Pond and McRorie Lake, have some short canoe carries, and hike 0.8 mile up Mud Pond Mountain. The views from Mud Pond Mountain look to the northwest along the expanse of Long Lake and to the summits of the Western High Peaks, a view rarely seen by others.
The group will travel at a gentle pace that will accommodate everybody’s abilities. Weather permitting we will eat lunch at the overlook on Mud Pond Mountain while enjoying the panoramic views of the Adirondack Fall foliage. After the hike we will return to our boats and explore as much of McRorie Lake as time and conditions permits, with the possibility of 2-4 miles of additional paddling. This is a quiet, secluded area with wonderful opportunities for discovery.
For more information visit: